DC-UNet for white matter lesions segmentation

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

Abstract: Analysis and segmentation techniques of magnetic resonance images of the brain have been widely explored. Manual interpretation of the brain image is quite time-consuming and directly depends on the operator’s assessment. Thus, some automations were previously proposed, but recently, the study of automation using Deep Learning has gained prominence. In this context, we propose a model of neural networks with DC-UNet architecture for the segmentation of lesions in white matter in brain images

Undergraduate Thesis
Advisor: Prof. Marcelo Gattass.

One-armed Robot Gestures

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Abstract: The interaction between human and robot is increasing in society, and it may be difficult to understand what the robot's intention is, but we need to understand it's intention for better cooperation. Our goal was to train a one-armed robot to gesture expressively so it can be understood by humans. To get started, we chose simple moves like “point”, “hi” and “go ahead” for the robot to learn. Some challenges are the fact that humans have two arms while the one-armed robot has only one, and the difference between joints of a human's arms and robot's arm (for example they have different angles of rotation). We first collected data of human gestures and then used a human pose estimation model to get human joints positions. Finally we trained a deep learning model to generate expressive one-armed robot's movement from human joints positions as input.

Advisor: Prof. Shinkyu Park

3D Oil Channel Modeling from Images

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

Abstract: In this work we present the 3D modeling of turbiditic channels inside lobes using 2D images obtained through geostatistical multiple-point methods. We are assuming that these images can be interpreted as projections on the xy plane of the phenomenon. The proposed method consists of creating the turbidite lobe using the model proposed in Cardona’s work, [1]. Then the 2D images of the channels are projected onto the surface of the lobe. Finally, successive erosions of the image are layered and used to generate the volume to the channel system. This process has great importance in research and economics, because in the Brazilian oil exploration, about 90% of the reservoirs are turbiditics and they are difficult to study [2].

Advisor: Prof. Sinésio Pesco

[1] Y. A. Cardona, “Object-based modelling of turbidity lobes using non parametric b-splines,” Dissertação de Doutorado, Pontifícia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, 2016
[2] F. M. de Lima, “Analise estratigrafica dos reservatorios turbiditicos do campo de namorado.” Dissertacao de Mestrado, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2004